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Still under construction. I have another website that I'm always trying to do too much with, so this is -ideally- going to be my low effort website project. We'll see, I guess. I want this one to be really easy for me to keep up with updating

The main goal of this website is to give myself a creative outlet similar to my physical did journal, but with the added bonuses of being: 1) online and easily accessible anywhere anytime, 2) reorganizable and editable in case of any major changes down the road, and 3) making my projects look neat and somewhat presentable simply gives me a deep sense of satistfaction. sorry

im trying to just let myself write whatever and to not worry too much about editing and re-editing for the futile and neverending quest of achieving professional-looking copy or anything. just write!!!!! idiot!! stop thinking about it so much!! coding a visually appealing sidebar or what have you is Not the therapy here. the writing is!

also, on a deeper level, i do also want to get my thoughts and experiences Out There in some capacity, in case my story and perspective can help anyone else find themselves as well.